Protect your vision
with early detection.
Early signs of AMD can be detected
with regular check up.




What is age-related
macular degeneration?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease affecting visual acuity. The macula, or better known as the yellow spot, is one of the most valuable areas of the fundus of the eye. Its main function is to ensure sight and the ability to read. Macular degeneration is the gradual destruction of the cells of the retina. In older people, the risk of developing AMD is higher and the condition can worsen with age. The disease most often occurs over the age of 50.
Do you experience a gradual
or sudden deterioration of your vision?
You should be aware of the presence of the disease if you experience a gradual or sudden deterioration of vision.
It can also be a sign of macular degeneration if you notice that it is becoming increasingly difficult to read, or that you are missing some letters in the text you are reading. In many cases, the presence of the disease is revealed when the reading glasses are replaced.
It is also a striking symptom if a dark area develops in the central part of the vision. Patients often notice this by accidentally covering their other eye for a short period of time.
If you notice that straight lines are becoming distorted or even curved,
and colours that were previously sharp become dull and blurred, it is also likely that you have macular degeneration.
Take a quick vision test
with the Amsler-grid.

How you can see the Amsler-grid in case of AMD
Cover one eye and focus on the centre point of the square grid from a distance of 30-40 cm. Check if you can see any irregular lines, e.g. distortion, wavy lines, area of a different size or missing parts. Repeat by covering the other eye. You should be able to see all four corners of the square grid during the test. If the grid structure isnon-uniform, curved lines, blurred or blotchy areas appear, consult your ophthalmologist.
Many people do not realise they have macular degeneration until their vision becomes very blurred. That’s why it’s important to visit your eye doctor regularly.
How can age-related macular degeneration
be detected and treated?

Treatment of macular degeneration
Macular degeneration can only be partially cured, mainly because the factors that trigger cell death and abnormal blood vessel growth are not known.
However, anti-VEGF injections are available to slow the disease, and laser treatments are also available for wet macular degeneration. In addition, reducing risk factors can play an important role in prevention.
Ophthalmologic examination
30,000 HUF
To prevent the disease, visit our eye center for an examination.
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Frequently asked questions
What types of macular degeneration exist?
There are two main types of age related macular degeneration. Dry and wet forms. It is important to distinguish them because they require different treatment.
How do I know if I have macular degeneration?
Usually the central part of the vision is affected, e.g. faces and images of the objects are blurred. In case of the wet type, there is a bending or curvature of the horizontal lines.
Over what age can we talk about age-related macular degeneration?
As the name of the disease suggests, it is a disease of old age. It usually occurs between the ages of 50 and 55. This is why annual screening is important.
What causes the disease?
The exact reason is not known. Genetic factors, smoking, poor diet increase the risk of developing the disease.
Can the disease be prevented?
According to the current state of science, it cannot be prevented. With early detection and treatment of macular degeneration, good visual acuity can be preserved for years.
Who is a risk for getting AMD?
You are more likely to develop AMD if you:
eat a diet high in saturated fat (found in foods such as meat, butter and cheese)
are overweight
smoke cigarettes
are over 50 years old
have high blood pressure
have high cholesterol
have a family history of age-related macular degeneration
have heart disease